I should look upon it as a most particular favour.
In addition, the conglomerate label that Pearson proudly wears does not at present find particular favour with institutional investors.
He had not wanted to show them any particular favor until he had made up his mind.
She said it imperiously as though I should be overjoyed at her particular favor.
And the landmarks commission looks with particular favor on restaurants.
Of course, younger sons often enjoy their mothers' particular favour, but most do not have a mother like Elena to indulge them.
The idea has found particular favor in West Germany, where popular opinion is growing against the military blocs.
In turn, the theory has been that the elected official can be watched closely to see if a particular favor is extended in return.
I beg as a particular favor that special attention be called to this fact for the sake of his honor.
But about nine, as a particular favour, we should have some hay.