In other briefs, the government has argued that a particular defendant or weapon fits within its own announced exceptions.
What I didn't count on was this particular defendant's ability to elude authorities for so long.
What we did not do, and would never do, is to offer an opinion about the guilt or innocence of that particular defendant.
"There is no way to trace emissions from these particular defendants either to or from the greenhouse gas mixture in the atmosphere".
The capital sentencing decision requires the individual jurors to focus their collective judgment on the unique characteristics of a particular criminal defendant.
There, too, the goal is not primarily to recover money from particular defendants but to educate the public, and perhaps to scare other potential offenders.
In the past, expert witnesses were allowed to give testimony on ultimate issues, such as the applicability of the insanity defense to a particular defendant.
The final step in the Court's analysis was to settle the question of how to prove whether a particular defendant's conviction qualifies as "generic burglary."
Thus, a court would ask whether a blind reasonable person would have set out to do what the particular blind defendant did.
Third, Michigan's system did not entirely lack mechanisms for considering the individual circumstances of a particular defendant.