Studies have since shown that slavery was indeed a highly efficient mode of production for particular crops like sugar and cotton.
In places where these methods would not work for particular crops, the report recommends that they simply not be raised.
The key to his success is picking the right variety of a particular crop, and choosing hardy strains.
As a result, Achi town and people are not known for the cultivation of any particular crop.
He said researchers first look at a particular crop and the amino acids in which it is deficient.
One particular crop, the Orangecup, can only be grown in the hothouse.
One particular crop, saffron, has been introduced as a major trade commodity in the province.
"The same thing happens when land is cleared to grow a particular crop," he said.
Rather than a mixture, it might be better to plant these particular crops separately.
This information includes projected demand for a particular crop, transportation costs and potential sales outlets.