The oil price drop has been a particular blow to the economics of solar energy.
But this particular blow was so strong his grandmother must have felt it.
That particular blow has fallen twice before you, Caesar, and each time it falls, it hurts less.
This was a particular blow to that population because whoopers in the East do not yet have an established successful breeding situation.
The panel's recommendations were a particular blow to Amgen, which last year took in nearly half its $14.3 billion in revenue from the anemia drugs.
The crash was a particular blow to French pride.
The bad news, coming during the most stubbornly persistent recession in decades, was a particular blow because it arrived without warning.
That particular blow was fully as incapacitating for a woman as for a man.
That particular blow against me has missed, and those involved are in no condition to strike another.
The results came as a particular blow to the 39-year-old Mr. Paterson.