And, besides, those of us with no particular ax to grind find the marketing useful.
I have no particular ax to grind if someone wants to buy from Oxford or Metropolitan or Prudential.
The problem is that the same scenario keeps reappearing in the research of technology experts with no particular ax to grind.
It doesn't seem to be grinding any particular ideological ax but simply to be laying out a documentary record for the reader's edification.
And some economists with no particular ax to grind simply have doubts about the methodology.
For his part, Mr. Aron said he had no particular ax to grind and was not recommending the purchase of any specific Japanese issues.
I haven't any particular macroevolutionary ax to grind," he said, "but I suspect that many gradualistic patterns have been obscured by the descriptive process.
It isn't an aesthetic movement with a particular ax to grind but a group of friends who like to work together.
She continued: "I have no particular ax to grind with naturalism as a form, only with it as a rule from which others deviate.
However, I don't want to hire someone who has a particular ax to grind in terms of legal structure.