And no matter what biochemical trick the investigators tried, the cells would not respond to that particular antigen again.
Antibodies are highly specific for their particular antigens.
Every helper T-cell is specific to one particular antigen.
What these types signify is that an individual's blood has or lacks a particular antigen, a protein.
The increase is accompanied by affinity maturation which induces the survival of B cells that bind to the particular antigen with high affinity.
In the vertebrate immune system, each antibody is customized to attack one particular antigen (foreign proteins and carbohydrates) without attacking the body itself.
It continued: "The data that they show as evidence that this component is one particular antigen of the measles virus is not credible."
With this method, the cells can be separated positively or negatively with respect to the particular antigen(s).
IgE molecules, like all antibodies, are specific to one particular antigen.
This particular antigen contains many cysteine residues which lead to disulphide bridge formation.