Professional translator, collaborated in the drafting of the texts, focusing in particular adaptation in a foreign language.
This particular adaptation was heavily influenced by the commedia dell'arte tradition.
Also, instead of using energy to search for food, these creatures use particular adaptations to ambush prey.
However, different members have evolved particular adaptations to different tissues or different developmental stages that enhance the physiological fine-tuning of the cell.
But fans of the series are likely to be perplexed by this particular adaptation.
As you've observed, my particular adaptation has been machine-like.
"Your particular adaptation is dictation by your psychological training," said Sparrow.
This particular adaptation of the novel is banned in Israel.
Although this particular adaptation is often considered perhaps the most faithful, it contains some significant plot differences to the original novel.
Fortunately, the second ameliorates the first, and the whole thing turns out about as good as this particular adaptation could possibly be.