Each BARREL balloon will carry instruments to measure particles ejected from the Belts which make it all the way to Earth's atmosphere.
Since then, it has ranged far into space to collect samples of particles ejected from the surface of the Sun.
The Genesis mission was designed to collect high-speed particles ejected by the Sun, which scientists believe will give them information about the composition of the primordial solar system nearly five billion years ago.
The green light comes from oxygen set aglow by a powerful stream of high-speed particles ejected by a massive star just outside the image.
The cloud consists of particles ejected by the comet as it travels on its 130-year orbit.
We are continuously bombarded by cosmic rays, atomic particles ejected by distant stellar catastrophes.
The other was by microscopically determining to what extent the glassy object had been scarred by particles ejected by radioactive decay in the sample.
During an encounter with Jupiter in 1992, the Ulysses spacecraft detected a stream of dust-sized particles being ejected from the Jupiter system.
The Touschek effect is a lifetime based on intrabeam collisions that result in both particles being ejected from the beam.
Another group of scientists at radiotelescopes have analyzed the short-lived afterglow of subatomic particles ejected by the star in the tumultuous magnetic eruption, probably from stresses that produced tremendous starquakes.