To name a thing too precisely can destroy that delicate, participatory creative experience that happens when a good reader reads a good book.
A more participatory experience is offered by "The Little General (Pinball Machine)," from 1967, presumably a comment on the political and moral confusions of the 1960's.
A game that in person is a sensory, participatory experience on television becomes just so much white noise.
We resist the substitution of consumption for participatory experience.
The est Standard Training was a seminar that offered a participatory experience that incorporated the Socratic method.
This year's deserving targets include "shower activity" for rain; "colorization" of movies when all that's meant is coloring, and "hands-on participatory experience."
Led by Mr. Freeman's towering performance, the show is a kind of dramatized sermon and participatory experience.
It also included "turned-up missing," "hands-on participatory experience" and the "colorization" process for coloring classic black-and-white films.
Reading an O. Henry story is a participatory experience.
It's not a performance but a joint participatory experience that we hope gets us past the temporal into the eternal for at least a little while.