However, a study of the program found that participation in the program neither increased nor decreased reading motivation.
The study says that participation by blacks and Hispanics in higher education will actually decrease in proportion to their populations between 1995 and 2015.
His participation greatly decreased after the first season but his diminished role was not disclosed because of the value of his name to fans.
After Richie's death, he becomes a darker, brooding character acutely aware of the fragility of life and his participation in The Game decreases.
The participation of Europeans decreased, while that of Japanese increased.
A 1988 study found that participation in Recovery decreased members' symptoms of mental illness and the amount of psychiatric treatment needed.
The participation decreased to four in 1998 and climbed back up to six in 2002.
By 1994, participation in the NAP program had decreased to 1.3 million, and by 2006 it had decreased to just over 1 million.
However, despite the boom in Boston's economy the participation of Boston residents has been decreasing.
Semple's participation in the series decreased.