The UK will to continue to engage and participate constructively in all relevant issues.
Key phrases like "public renewal" and "participate actively and constructively" are familiar for a reason.
Even the newly arrived probationer needs managerial skills - for working with colleagues and participating constructively in meetings, for example.
Vietnam must participate constructively in efforts to bring about a settlement in Cambodia.
The Guardian's community standards are a useful way to encourage readers to participate in the debate constructively.
Eastern willingness to participate constructively in dealing with such challenges will help further co-operation in other areas as well.
We will carefully study the planned White Papers and will participate constructively in the work begun or promised.
I believe that we should constructively and actively participate in defining these.
It is participating constructively at deputy minister level in the four multilateral forums - democracy and governance, economic integration, energy security and people-to-people contacts.
It is therefore crucial that the European Union participates constructively in the 15th Conference of the Parties next March.