The national team participated alongside seven other teams, finishing in fourth place.
During the second coup, 1993, he participated alongside the Russian President.
During the event, which took place on August 23rd, Faro participated alongside 24 other athletes.
Freed from domestic duties, women participated in the industrial, agricultural and economic sectors alongside men.
Georgia Tech encourages undergraduates to participate in research alongside graduate students and faculty.
A total of 151 gifted subjects participated in the study alongside 136 controls.
Artists from across the globe participate alongside home-grown talent, in all art forms.
They also urged the machinists to "participate and work alongside the rest of United's employees to preserve the company without a bankruptcy."
At the same time, we must also create the conditions to ensure that developing countries can participate alongside us in this global effort.
The herald trumpets also participate in several smaller events the week before January 1 alongside the honor band.