Volunteer travel to Kenya, Ghana, Ecuador, Nicaragua, India, Arizona and China, where participants volunteer on Free the Children development projects.
Pint after pint of blood was needed, nearly exhausting the supplies on hand; participants both in and out of the operating room volunteered to donate more.
Many participants are volunteering their time.
The 600 participants on the shrinking glacier volunteered for Tunick (a collaboration with Greenpeace) to let the world know about the effects of global warming on the melting Swiss glaciers.
Participants and former participants have volunteered many comments indicating that their understanding and experience are greatly enhanced by the audio explanations and other YSP instructional materials.
Sessions are not planned until the day of the event, when participants can volunteer to facilitate a conversation on a topic of their choice.
At the end of the meeting, participants must volunteer some way in which they are contributing to "the march to profitability."
The participants volunteered to have the equipment installed in their vehicles.
Most participants volunteered for the event, but many were recruited so that those in attendance would reflect the demographic and ethnic composition of the city and the region.
Since its founding in 1994, over 4,000 participants have volunteered and served communities abroad.