At this meeting the word "bomb" was never used but the participants fully understood the nature of the work.
She added that once parole officers are involved in the program and all participants understand their roles, "people work well together."
However, participants understand that accountants are taking a risk when they issue an opinion on the financial statements.
They found that memory for the picture was better if the participants understood what was depicted.
War has a choreography that only its participants understand.
These seminars are related to the Japanese culture, society, economy and history, and help the participants to better understand the country.
In this relaxed social setting, participants better understood one another, helping to forge a new national vision.
In this case, the participant of the questionnaire should completely understand what the number is used for and why it is there.
We cannot create a complicated system that the participants, above all, businesses, do not understand.
They make social information visible to help participants to understand what is happening; and to be held accountable for their own actions.