Similar to Up, the show's format consists of "long-form panel discussions in which the participants talk through several issues."
There is, then, a discrepancy between what each participant is talking about, within the topic framework.
The participants will talk about themselves, their home, their life etc. on TV.
The participants talked in abstract and theoretical terms, rarely relating the subject to the listeners' experience.
It hosts the debate but it doesn't assume any responsibility for making the participants talk sense.
Having all the participants in the call talking at the same time is not very effective.
During the last half-hour of each meeting, participants can talk one on one with others in the group.
Because the dance requires little physical concentration, participants often talk to each other while dancing.
Mr. Weiss asks when he tries to persuade participants to talk to him.
The researchers focused on people that participants felt at ease with and could talk to about private matters or ask for help.