And as some participants in this debate cite legalities and environmental concerns, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan are busy developing their offshore deposits, signing multi-billion-dollar contracts with international firms.
Longtime participants in the real estate business cite these common obstacles: There are restrictions on foreign ownership of land within 50 kilometers, or 31 miles, of the coast and 100 kilometers of the border.
There are always socially redeeming "reasons" for going on camera - and the participants in "Capturing the Friedmans" can cite some, too.
Reuters reported that markets had already been positioning for a below-consensus figure, with some participants citing rumours of a reading of CPI at 4.0%.
In each sugya, either participant may cite scriptural, Mishnaic and Amoraic proof to build a logical support for their respective opinions.
But many participants in the effort, as well as administration officials, cited pressure from Hispanic leaders as decisive.
Several participants cited these developments as evidence that the Fed needed to lift interest rates to "prevent the business expansion from gathering excessive and unsustainable momentum that would lead to higher inflation."
This document briefly summarizes the convening, with a focus on what participants cited as important future research questions.
In order to substantiate claims that the media favors the other side, participants in the conflict on each side frequently cite a number of illustrative and extreme examples of controversial reporting.
Among the claims participants cited included being denied credit and problems regarding taxes or bankruptcy.