Grady, elbows on his knees, was in a small clearing sitting on a half-worked mossy stone that was partially sunken into the ground and no doubt left over from building the aqueduct.
One had been completely buried and another partially sunken when the proprietor, Lord Mansfield, arrived at the scene and stopped further operations.
Taillights were set lower into the rear panel and were partially sunken into the newly sculpted rear bumper.
While the Union party approached the partially sunken ship, the Southerners who had been on board escaped to shore in boats.
The head is much narrower than the thorax and partially sunken into it.
The village lies amidst a Lycian necropolis, which is partially sunken underwater.
The accident that left the Costa Concordia partially sunken may have been caused by human error.
Jenna came back to the present rapidly and painfully as she tripped over a fallen and partially sunken log.
In the center of the room was a partially sunken pit containing an old marble autopsy slab.
The pistillate flowers are solitary and borne at the angles of the rachis and are partially sunken in it in the form of a cup.