The sale partially results from an existing deal between QVC's three principal shareholders under which they equalize their holdings.
The Motorcycle Superstore Facebook page had over 185,000 "Likes" as of December 2011, partially resulting from Facebook sweepstakes giveaways.
Mr. Bush's gain resulted partially but not entirely from a big publicity "bounce" from the Republican Convention.
This partially results from the folk belief that hedgehogs collect apples and mushrooms and carry them to their secret storage.
Later that month, the Pentagon reported that costs had risen another 4.3 percent, partially resulting from production delays.
After World War 2 the guitar became common throughout Africa, partially resulting from the mixing of African, American and British soldiers.
This lag period partially results from the time needed to fill supply bins with the necessary parts.
High standards of living in Krosno, called at that time parva Cracovia, resulted partially from the activity of the local parish school.
Folbre indicates that this oversight partially results from failing to properly examine non-market activities.
Ms. Oates's contention that boxing's appeal is a product of male aggression resulting partially from hormones and partially from social conditioning is far off the mark.