In Massachusetts, a fund of over $1 billion in 2004/2005, known as the Uncompensated Care Pool (or "free care pool"), was used to partially reimburse hospitals and health centers for these expenses.
Because the Federal Government partially reimburses states' spending on Medicaid, it has paid New York State as much as $2.6 billion since 1992 to match the money New York has collected from those taxes.
The NHI also partially reimburses occupational health care costs for services delivered to employees, but not to dependents.
Under a threat that he would fold the Jacksonville, Fla., franchise if he were not permitted to move it to the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi, the C.B.A. owners approved the move yesterday after reaching an agreement with Stepien that he would partially reimburse them for the additional costs surrounding the move.
It partially reimburses voters who contribute to such candidates.
Any compensation payment is to be used to partially reimburse your agency for the leave pay.
The government partially reimburses the costs for low-wage workers, whose premiums are capped at a predetermined value.
And we had to reimburse or partially reimburse some of the doctors who were donating their time to help the children.
In Massachusetts, a roughly $800 million fund known as the "uncompensated care pool" was used to partially reimburse hospitals for expenses related to treating uninsured patients.
UNRWA provides refugees with assistance in meeting the costs of hospitalisation either by partially reimbursing them, or by negotiating contracts with government, NGO and private hospitals.