This particular part of Brookville Road was partially paved in 1910, while the road from its southern terminus to Thornapple Street was paved in 1927.
As of 2013, ARRT is partially paved: from a Route 62 parking lot in north Hudson, southwards to Marlborough.
It is connected by state highway (partially paved) to São Romão on the São Francisco River.
The road linking Sal Rei and Norte crosses the southern half of the desert and is partially paved.
The route was partially paved in 1991.
Figliola faces the Gran Sasso and can be reached via a road that is only partially paved.
It is connected by state highway (partially paved) to Coração de Jesus.
In the early days of NASCAR racing, all tracks were dirt, except for the Daytona Beach & Race Course, which was only partially paved.
However, Tajima's record was set after the Pikes Peak surface was partially paved whereas Millen's record was on dirt.
The Wood Canyon Trail, which is partially paved but mostly a wide dirt road, follows the creek for its entire length.