It partially floated till dawn and then the bow was sunk by fire from a British destroyer.
In 1992 the economy was given an enormous boost after the finance minister, Manmohan Singh, took the momentous step of partially floating the rupee against a basket of 'hard' currencies.
In June 2008, O'Reilly received the International Irish Business Person of the Year Award from Dublin-based Business and Finance Magazine, having in May spoken about his company's plans to partially float.
Zostera marina is found on sandy substrates or in estuaries submerged or partially floating.
When exposed to ocean breezes, the tailings, which partially floated, become airborne and landed on the rice fields, in open water wells, and on village homes.
They let out the line so that the net floated partially out of the water.
The French government partially floated shares of the company on the Paris Stock Exchange in November 2005, although it retained almost 85% ownership as of the end of 2008.
In such cases, the object will partially float.
The company partially floated its shares on London's Alternative Investment Market in 1999, by which time it had expanded to a network of almost 200 branches (of which all but eight were franchises).