The aircraft was written off, with the tail and port engine having been ripped off and the starboard engine partially detached from its mountings.
Concerns were raised that the boat's hull was too light in design and construction, particularly around the hydroplane's step, which was found to have partially detached.
The canvas was hanging, partially detached, from its frame and, Thorpe thought, somehow must have slipped past the wire mesh guard of the border lamp and ignited.
This resulted in the right wing becoming partially detached from the fuselage and the aircraft rolling rapidly to the right.
The central third of the ship was devastated by the explosion and collapse of the bow's upper deck onto it, and was partially detached from the stern.
Behind the front desk is the elevator, its sliding doors partially detached from their grooves.
Visual inspection from the space station later confirmed that some thermal blankets had partially detached.
After methanol or ethanol fixation, some cells were partially detached and changed their shape, but this did not occur with other coagulant fixatives.
The female will make a partial cup nest either under a piece of bark partially detached from the tree, or in a tree cavity.
Fringes or selvedges that become partially detached can be carefully sewn back by hand using a matching coloured thread of the same material.