Now, the inspectors are limited to a narrow range of operations, leaving them partially blind.
Such complications had already rendered him partially blind at the time of the film's release.
He was left partially blind by a mis-prescribed medication while still an infant.
An attack of shingles left her partially blind in the late 1940s.
In 1947 Vaughan became partially blind after a severe attack of pneumonia.
But a lawyer for the partially blind 93-year-old prisoner suggested there might have been foul play.
Nick has developed brain lesions that have left him partially blind.
In 1924 a school for the partially blind opened within the school.
From 1954, during the last two years of his life, Trenchard was partially blind and physically frail.
Jason Riley, 41, has been partially blind since a car hit him when he was 3.
I have already partially blinded him by eliminating the wizard.
Three hundred people were hospitalized, some partially blinded by the ammonia.
Partially blinded by the rain, I hurtled up the front steps and entered the house.
Seriously wounded and partially blinded by the blast, he then continued to fight the enemy.
Israel as a nation is partially blinded until the fullness of the Gentiles has come.
Later, when the young man returns, partially blinded, from the "real" war - Vietnam - he finds he's lost the girl to his friend.
The wound was not serious, but blood poured from it, running into the Solamnic's eye, partially blinding him.
He presents an argument that expectations can override our senses, partially blinding us from the truth.
The flashlights were partially blinding him, but he could still see the front end of Toad's M-16.
He was a badly shaken man, partially blinded by the flames of the burning lorry.