Some of the text is damaged, but partial texts remain.
The Narrative of John Smith is by the man himself, the partial text of an early "novel" which recently turned up in the British Library.
Two more partial texts survive.
The stone, based on its partial reconstructed text, was raised by a man as a memorial to his wife who may have been named Ragnhildr.
Nature 132 (2 September 1933) 342, obituary (partial text)
Because of patterns of collecting in the 19th and early 20th century, moreover, many manuscripts in American collections comprise partial texts or dispersed single leaves.
But a partial text was made available by someone familiar with the negotiations.
There are 10 known surviving manuscripts, some of them only partial texts.
Only three copies of the original edition are known to have survived, though two are partial texts.
He said that he expected Google to start indexing all the text of weblogs soon not just the partial text found in feeds.