In many cities, especially in the East, the heating apparatus is designed for anthracite, so that the bituminous coal is only a very partial substitute.
Hiking on the Web can also serve as a partial substitute for the real thing.
The shuttle normally does not run between midnight and 6 a.m. However, it is being operated in the early morning as a partial substitute for the No.7 train.
It is considered a partial substitute for peat moss, but generally lacks the porosity and water-holding capacity of peat so must be used in limited percentages.
But in the longer run, it is conceivable to view change in the Soviet system as at least a partial substitute for huge military budgets.
Here we shall deal with the partial substitutes.
By going along with it, Congress would turn itself into a partial substitute for impartial courts.
Suppose two manufacturers produce goods which are partial substitutes, and (for whatever reason) competition in the market is through price.
Lollipops became a trademark of the character, but contrary to popular belief they were only a partial substitute for cigarettes and Kojak did not quit smoking.
Being very weak in comparison to commonly abused opioids, dextropropoxyphene can only act as a "partial" substitute.