A final integrated agreement is either a partial or complete integration.
If it contains some, but not all, of the terms as to which the parties have agreed then it is a partial integration.
However, for a partial integration, terms that supplement the writing are admissible.
He attended a white public school in 1967 consisting of partial integration, and his experience there has had a significant influence on his writing.
Various countries have tried (and some still maintain) attempts at partial or full "integration" of the enterprise and owner taxation.
But Europe has decades of reassuring experience with partial integration.
I saw three big, hairy, male men promoted over my head and not one of them could do a partial integration without a pencil.
A few systems provide for partial integration of entity and member taxation.
In calculus, partial integration can also mean integration by parts.
The written document will be a partial integration of everything the parties agreed to.