He subsequently applied to join the Territorial SAS, a unit open to part-time reservists but was rejected because of his fame, despite passing the entrance tests.
It now employs 11,700 people: 2,200 civilians, 5,410 full-time military personnel and 4,090 part-time reservists and National Guardsmen.
It is a Headquarters Support Squadron and provides trained part-time reservists to support RAF operations around the world.
The squadron was re-established by separating No. 25 Squadron's Permanent Air Force (full-time) component from its Air Force Reserve (part-time reservist) personnel and responsibilities.
He tried to double the prescription drug costs for veterans and opposed full benefits for part-time reservists.
Most of the mothers were nurses who worked in a civilian hospital, but were part-time reservists in the US Army and were posted to Saudi Arabia at short notice in the run-up to the war.
Its 500 full-time fighters and 3,000 part-time reservists were organized into armoured, 'commando', infantry, artillery, signals, medical, logistics and military police branches.
Many officials agreed that the increasing likelihood that a part-time reservist would be mobilized has contributed to recruiting problems, but they disagreed on the extent.
The majority of positions are part-time reservists, supported by a small cadre of Regular Force members and full-time reservists.
The part-time reservist is like all Dutch military personnel a military volunteer.