The Talmud deems the fetus to be part of its mother and has no "juridical personality".
The character was conceived as part of her mother Téa Delgado's absence on the series from 2002 through 2008.
While Soslan tries to challenge her as well, Atsamaz says "let this day bring you fortune, part of my mother".
In "Federico" she plays the part of Garcia Lorca's mother.
He was part of his mother; now he is part of the Mirage.
She carried part of her mother with her always, for good or bad.
It was part of my mother's, a part I could never understand.
Mayron originally read for the part of Anna's mother, but was given a bigger role on the strength of her audition.
Allegedly, the part of Mary's mother was also much larger, but was cut down in the final draft of the screenplay.