As part of his endeavor, he successfully campaigned to provide amnesty to thousands of members of the banned FIS.
As part of its endeavor to instill a sense of civic awareness among the citizens of Bengaluru, the Namma Bengaluru Awards were launched in 2009.
As part of its missionary endeavor, the Assemblies of God began sending their missionaries to India in the early part of twentieth century.
"Politicians broadened our mission to include other issues that were never part of our endeavor," Mr. Ueberroth said.
But much to his surprise, Mr. Ringquist said, the hardest part of his endeavor was actually finding politicians who had made ironclad commitments that they could later be called on.
It would seem that the circumstances of that death are virtually forgotten, and I repeat them here as part of my endeavor to revive and perpetuate Milwarp's memory.
As part of its continuous endeavor to add an international dimension to its academic excellency, MIU aims to establish ties with different universities around the world.
Apart from evangelism and other Church activities, as part of its endeavor towards spiritual development, the ABCC gives equal importance to human resources development with Christian values.
The hardest part of The Shadow's whole endeavor was to attract the man's attention.
He's repaired to Euripides' "Iphigenia in Aulis" for the first part of his two-part endeavor, which is being performed through Aug. 30.