It contains some brick, and parts of it are rendered.
The older parts are rendered and my husband used to paint them every four years with Sandtex masonry paint, which has been excellent.
That means part of one of the neighborhood's few open spaces will be rendered useless for two years.
On the other hand the second part of the trial may be rendered wholly unnecessary by the decision on the first part.
The ground floor has cream-coloured rendering with a string course above, and part of the first floor and lower attic level is also rendered.
The most voluminous part of the Greek scientific legacy was rendered into Arabic through the efforts of these institutions.
The primary objective is to protect the organization in the event that all or part of its operations and/or computer services are rendered unusable.
The overwhelming part of it can be rendered useless in a manner that it will be unable to sail during the first, critical months.
The other parts were rendered as dialogue between him/her and various characters.
Even if the lichen itself is undamaged in a storm, parts of its rare, limited potential habitat may be rendered unsuitable by disturbances.