This part of the ceremony was regarded as nothing more than formal ritual.
But even after that year the parts on either side of the river were regarded as two different towns (Old and New Brandenburg) for centuries.
The manuscript of this work indicates that the two parts (prose and verse) were regarded as independent works and studied or commented upon separately.
Few parts of the world are regarded by outsiders the way Africa is.
Thus, parts of this film could be regarded as an early experiment in reality as entertainment.
Not the unconscious part of the ego of course which is doing the repression, this is regarded as a separate agency.
The big part of his work in this area remains highly regarded and confirmed by contemporary textology.
Leading parts of services in a minyan ("quorum") is traditionally regarded as a male role.
The largest part of the art treasures are still regarded as missing, only a few works were found later in major national and international museums.
Mathematicians find it useful to assume that a tiny part of the circumference of a large circle can be regarded as straight.