At the same time, stimuli in the environment help to determine what parts of the memory system will be activated.
The US team said the same parts of the brain are activated when people dream as in near death experiences.
A super part is activated by touching the screen, and must recharge between uses.
This part of the brain is activated most intensely when these cues are visual or spatial.
A part of the brain - the temporal cortex - was activated when human voices were played - the same region as in adults.
In 1999, a study done by seven scientists was conducted to find out which part of the brain is activated during mental rotation.
In 1992 parts of the new fiber-optic system were activated.
When athletes close their eyes and imagine a golf swing or skiing motion, this part of the brain is activated.
It is likely that very severe environmental damage would be done if parts of this reserve were activated.
In each case, the parts of their brains involved in color perception were differently activated.