Pickering remained in charge until October 2012, when he and the club parted company by mutual consent.
There it was, the bone parted from behind by a blow.
Once, they parted after the session, only to board the same subway car by chance an hour later.
On August 4, 2011 Todd and the band parted ways by mutual decision.
However, after being married for six years, he and his wife parted by mutual agreement.
He and the Tigers parted ways in 2010 by mutual agreement according.
Veils of rain, parted for a second by the house, rush back together again.
However, he eventually parted company with the club by mutual consent on 3 November.
Besides, your best scowl will probably part most of the crowd all by itself.
Terry's butt and the seat of his chair parted company by a good six inches.