During the 17th century, parts of the Librazhd district achieved a measure of self-rule.
Was that part of what you were trying to achieve?
These formed part of an overall growth strategy that also targeted a sustainable 25% return on equity, something the bank achieved in 2005.
The hardest part was achieving neutral buoyancy.
As the United States grew, the most populous parts of the organized territory would achieve statehood.
All the parts of the project did not achieve the level of excellence we would like.
A British journalist who has covered Africa extensively believes the hardest parts will be achieving democracy and raising living standards.
The first part of the pulse sequence, SS, achieves 'slice selection'.
The exercises have been very comprehensive today - all part of the campaign to achieve maximum results at the end of this second week.
Synergies exist when different elements interact and produce a result that any individual part could not achieve alone.