Although the potential risk information is in accord with the attention focusing explanation it is possible that there are more parsimonious explanations for the risk-recognition relationships.
Nevertheless, because of its neutral mutation process subfunctionalization seem to present a more parsimonious explanation for the retention of duplicates in a genome.
I'll even posit, for now, that the simplest, most parsimonious explanation for my nudity is that I've gone bonkers.
(3) In many cases positive Darwinian selection presents a more parsimonious explanation for the divergence of multigene families.
This offers a parsimonious explanation for the common occurrence of impulsive, hyperactive, disorganized, and aggressive behaviour in clinical patients with executive dysfunction.
Overall, the reliability theory provides a parsimonious explanation for many important aging-related phenomena and suggests a number of interesting testable predictions.
But he was being a good scientist - preferring to seek the most parsimonious explanation of the data and not to go beyond it.
The reversion hypothesis is the most parsimonious explanation of phylogenetic relationships within the Alloteropsis genus.
It is among the most parsimonious explanations, sparing in proposed entities or explanations.
John Koontz wrote about the book that "Randi can provide a much more parsimonious explanation than any given by true believers in prophecy".