I couldn't make it this year, and I'm further depressed by the parlous condition of rock journalism.
First, he was permitted to turn his company, in parlous condition, into a worker-owned cooperative.
You might find yourself in a parlous condition, Master Helstrop.
King Victor's headquarters seem to be in a parlous condition.
But the second book is prone to middle book syndrome, a parlous condition characterized by too much development and too little resolution.
In the rural areas, the people eke out a living in parlous conditions, yet with a welcoming smile.
The current parlous conditions, combined with political history, call into question whether democracy can function at this stage of Pakistan's development.
"What brings you here, and in such parlous condition?"
The locals' discontent was exacerbated by the island's parlous economic condition.
IT is extraordinary to recall, given its parlous condition, just how irresistible the Republican revolution looked as recently as 1994.