Within the society, the females perform alloparenting, sharing parenting responsibilities with one another, and are philopatric to the group.
Eighty-three percent of the corporate respondents believed more men feel the need to share parenting responsibilities, but only 9 percent of the corporations offer paternity leave.
Likewise the middle-aged mother may also have had aspirations which had for many years been put aside until her parenting responsibilities were at an end.
He disbanded the group three months later and relocated to Sydney so he could share parenting responsibilities with Hilary while Declan grew up.
A 2004 study found that how a couple manages parenting responsibilities when the child is an infant is associated with the quality of their marriage two-and-a-half years later.
But most of us need all the wisdom, patience and understanding we can get in order to deal with our parenting responsibilities and the challenges of family life.
Consider cutting down on work hours or getting help with parenting responsibilities, at least during periods when lupus symptoms are severe.
Micah and Nathaniel are willing to rearrange their lives to take on the primary parenting responsibilities.
Well, society still tells men to be the primary breadwinner, even if it means 60-to-70-hour workweeks and deferring parenting responsibilities to women.
In a historic ruling Lands and his Church was awarded temporary parenting responsibilities for two children.