As a parent watching my daughter wrestle, it was heart wrenching for me.
Yet it raises some thorny issues, ones many parents walking away from Kiddiepalooza must have wrestled with.
The English baccalaureate (Ebacc) and the response to it threaten to become the most deadly new development parents must wrestle with.
In particular, parents are wrestling with how to set limits.
Across the country, growing numbers of older adults are filling the child-care gap as the children's parents wrestle with problems like substance abuse, jail time and divorce.
Both parents and therapists have wrestled with the question of how to reassure anxious children when they themselves remain so worried.
But the attacks also put the band's attendance in doubt, as parents and the school board wrestled with the risks of sending the children across the country.
But, said Ryan, the parent wrestled mightily with the competitor as the game unfolded.
Listen to how teachers, parents, and students wrestle with meeting stringent requirements on a shoestring.
Most parents wrestle with this question, weighing the child's age and maturity, and also the issue of just how compelling the need is to go out.