The plot involves a teenager, Frankie (Trevor Lissauer), who is left in charge of the family home for a few weeks while his parents are vacationing in Europe.
Carlos Martínez Rivas was born on October 12, 1924 in Puerto de Ocoz, Guatemala, where his parents were vacationing.
DeMille was born in Ashfield, Massachusetts, while his parents were vacationing there, and grew up in Washington, North Carolina.
She was born in Darjeeling where her parents were vacationing to escape the heat of the plains during the summer.
Before the two were born, their parents had vacationed together.
Roth's parents resided in Chicago, but vacationed in Burlington each summer at his mother's brother's house on the Fox River.
Armour was born in Brighton, England while his parents were vacationing there.
Dani, whom he's visiting while Dani's parents are vacationing in Egypt for 10 days, is blond and studious and a little shy.
Amy, her parents, and her brother were vacationing on the Royal Caribbean International cruise ship Rhapsody of the Seas.
Rado and his parents were still vacationing in Colorado (which I knew), but they'd left Godzilla at home in the backyard (which I didn't know).