He said his parents initially rented the apartment and then bought it in the early 1970's for about $48,000.
Sensible parents would have chosen a hill station near us, rented a house, and sent us every year to the same school.
"If these parents didn't rent the houses, the kids couldn't go there," Sister Jeanne said.
My parents soon rented a house in Larchmont and that became home.
"My parents rented the car and loaned me the money."
His parents rented the house at the end of the second world war.
Her parents rented a cottage here for several years when we both were about sixteen.
James and his parents rent a car for a drive to a county fair.
The unofficial guide says that many parents rent strollers so children beyond the age for them may sit down while waiting in line.
The parents therefore rented a church facility to begin the school.