In both life and the series, the parents regarded the revelation as cause for celebration.
There seems little doubt that using educational software only enhances children's computer literacy, and many parents regard it as essential to preparing for the future.
He added: 'We are worried that a product which parents regard as a safety device actually has serious hidden dangers.'
Trelawny's parents regarded their children as potential sinners and frequently used very harsh measures to try to instill a sense of discipline in them.
Their findings were that parents regarded a good school as being one where:
But parents, children and young people do not regard coming into residential care as an admission of failure.
Yet his parents regarded his emotional intensity as a sign of inner strength and vigor.
This suggests that many parents and students still regard education as a good investment - and will pay whatever is necessary, even if they must borrow heavily.
If the child feels comfortable enough to share the crush with a parent, the parent should regard that as a privileged communication.
It was a little disturbing to think that her parents might regard her as a grown-up, sexual being.