But, he added, parents are also reacting to what they see as the military's increased intrusion into the lives of their children.
I wondered how his parents would react and what they'd think when they got word that their son had killed himself.
I asked one 19-year-old girl how her parents reacted when she joined the guerrillas.
How would your parents react when the police call them?
Whether they will take those risks again often depends upon how their parents react.
In my opinion, this is how all parents should react to what they consider "a bad grade."
He wouldn't have to be in uniform if you're worried about how the parents will react.
For the past few years she has studied how parents react when their children are found to have a learning disability.
It wasn't an easy thing to do; you never know how parents will react to that kind of information.
Most parents didn't mind and reacted positively to the act.