Several children testified that their parents had questioned them about Ellis.
Some parents still question whether schools, if told about an infected child, could respond to the child's special needs.
But when the 15-year-old went home with bruises on Feb. 1, his parents questioned him.
In the film, parents and children question the need to talk about the past and they explore the effect of the Holocaust on their lives.
Some parents question whether it is a fair bargain.
"These kids wanted that so parents wouldn't question why certain programs were included in here."
He did hope Wendra's parents wouldn't question her too harshly.
In the survey already mentioned, more than half the parents questioned appeared willing to provide funds for school needs, materials and maintenance.
Many situations could enable parents to question adolescents and attempt to prevent future abusive behavior.
Prospective parents question the wisdom of bringing a child into such a world.