"If parents perceive something as good, everyone wants to be part of it," she said.
Sexual and emotional abuse is a kind of tightly woven relationship where there's often a cycle that parents can perceive.
Surveys ought to focus on how parents and children perceive the ways in which the school satisfies their needs.
She added that some parents perceive having the parties as a "fallback plan."
Teachers and schools lose their authority when students and parents perceive that they can no longer "guarantee value."
The demand for expert advice is particularly great today, perhaps because parents, teachers, and the general public perceive that children's problematic behavior has increased.
On the personal level the student, the parent, and the caring teacher all perceive that a basic promise is not being kept.
What the parents and community members outside of the school perceive as needed for a smooth transition is often different from school staff.
The payment of this fee varies widely according to how parents perceive the school.
Some parents perceive that schools take advantage of the fact that military families are transient.