St. Rocco's, like other religious schools, encourages the parents of current students to apply for the program.
A public meeting for parents of students is being planned for sometime in the next two weeks.
But once she placed a black student in the school, the parents of white students pulled their daughters out.
Some parents of students also became involved in the protests.
The parents of students, who want to insure that they can find a job, are our customers.
Meanwhile, the parents of current students did not want to transfer their children who were promoted to higher levels.
For some parents of students who were killed, the concert marked the first time they were able to return to the school.
He said a few parents of regular students have pulled their children out, but many appreciate having two teachers in the classroom.
They note that parents of students at local colleges stop in; so do area residents.
For the parents of students left behind, they are evidence that more needs to be done for our children.