He was still living at home then, off and on, and his parents invited a few close relatives over.
The parents would invite me inside and offer me the only chair.
At lunchtime she returned to the house alone, thinking that her parents would invite Sartre to join them.
As the play begins, Egon gets a phone call from his parents inviting him to join them at a restaurant for dinner.
Priscilla's parents have invited a number of guests to a house party to celebrate the engagement.
Her parents had invited the neighbours in to see it, too.
My parents had not so much invited her as included her if she wanted to be there.
Johnny did well under my father's treatment, and so his parents and grandparents invited our family to come visit them.
He made it sound improper, and she felt compelled to say, "My parents invited him to stay.
Shanti's parents wrote to him and invited him to their house.