It does, however, serve as the parent institution for 11 smaller banks here and for investment holding companies.
These schools do not have individual institution profiles, but are linked from the tables through to the parent institution.
There have been allegations that affiliate doctors steer the cream of patients - those with insurance - to the parent institutions.
However, this branch of the school struggled to achieve the standards of the parent institution.
This may amount to more than the parent institution's total cost for the entire course when including materials fees.
Commercial services allow the union to maintain a level of independence from the parent institution.
In 2008 the state adopted yet another system of college organization and completely "divorced" the community colleges from their parent institutions.
Cascade College also offered international study programs through its parent institution that created opportunities for students to experience other cultures.
Unlike those two, Civilization would be published separately from its parent institution.
In 2008, the community colleges were likewise separated from their parent institutions and renamed.