She spends a day observing both the parents and children to identify their problems.
And young viewers may resist watching a show with which their parents identify.
A letter sent home to notify parents did not identify the person or say whether he or she was a teacher.
Wilson's parents moved south in 1851 and identified with the Confederacy.
Our parents identify with Turkish culture, but we don't.
The parents of the children recovering in the government hospital identified themselves as farm workers, house cleaners and day laborers.
Even though this family form is not the most common, parents of both sexes can identify themselves with Alfie's father.
How can a parent identify the difference between a language disorder and normal language development?
The kids don't know which parent to identify with or why they have a different last name from those of their siblings.
Many parents of mixed-race children who do not want them identified with one single race, support this proposal.