When he was one-year old his parents entrusted him to the care of a Christian family.
My parents entrusted me to a man named Seq Viren.
It's very frustrating, because these parents entrust their children to us, and there's not a whole lot we can do outside the vehicle.
His parents have entrusted his younger sister Yume to his care.
Her strange behavior makes him increasingly aware that she is the last person the parents should have entrusted with their daughter.
It seemed an unlikely sort of place, and even more unlikely that Laura's conservative parents should entrust their daughter to it.
Their parents entrusted me with their lives!
Angelica's parents, who died long ago, entrusted their children to the Princess.
And yesterday, both men stood accused of stealing money that parents had entrusted to them.
How old should baby sitters be before parents can entrust their children to them?