Some parents never enrolled their children because they thought they would be able to return home much sooner.
Smoke's parents enrolled him in four different private schools and blamed each one when it didn't work out.
Interested parents should enroll children now, as space for most programs is limited.
Some parents enroll very young children in more than one class a week; many go to four or five.
He would, for example, let parents enroll in a children's health program created in 1997.
When she was very young, her parents enrolled her in music lessons at the early age of three.
According to police, some parents enrolled the students for religious training with no knowledge of harsh treatment to their children.
The school advises parents not to enroll their children until they are ready.
His parents enrolled him in a public high school, where he maintained a steady 2.0 average out of a possible 4.
His parents, both school teachers, enrolled him in ballet classes.